Northampton Liberal Democrats
From January 2022, the Northampton Liberal Democrats merged with the Daventry and South Northantamptonshire local parties to form the new party: West Northants Liberal Democrats. During the 2021 local elections, the first for the new unitary West Northamptonshire Council, the 3 parties banded together as a joint campaign group: we found that, between us, we were able to cover so many areas that, as individual parties, we were lacking. During the campaign we made use of Zoom for many meetings and found it an effective way of running a group with a wide geographical catchment.
We have campaign teams in place for what was essentially the old divisions, with some exceptions for the outlying areas of Northampton, which for numerical balance used to be allocated to South Northants and Daventry. These areas (ie Sixfields, Upton, Grange Park, Hunsburys etc) still remain in those Parliamentary constituencies, but for campaigning purposes are included in the Northampton campaign team. To contact the Campaign Convenor for Northampton please click through to this PAGE.
If you are interested in the more details about the various elections these can be found on this Where we Stand PAGE
Otherwise please browse around the site and any comments, suggestions can be sent to us via the contact us info HERE