Our candidates

See all of our 2025 election candidates for each ward, listed below:

Ana Savage Gunn
Ana Savage Gunn (Abington & Phippsville)
Ana was a bobby on the beat in Wellingborough back in the 80's. She rose in rank to become a Senior Police Officer and an International Law Enforcement Consultant. She has had a life of service and can be described as a woman of action. During the first COVID lockdown she worked at her Mum's care home just so she could see her. Working on the 'High Dependency Floor' she nursed several people with COVID. Sadly she witnessed the loss of 4 of the 14 on her floor to COVID in those brutal first months. Now she is a Board member of Northamptonshire Carers (based in Wellingborough) Ana is heavily involved in the community. She still works at her mum's care home as 'bank staff' in whatever role they need from kitchen assistant to maintenance. Ana lives in Northampton with her four dogs.
James Tarry
James Tarry (Abington & Phippsville)
James was raised and educated in Abington. After many years working in Financial Services in London and the Home Counties, James is now back in Northampton working in voluntary organisations and with the Northampton Business Improvement District. A longstanding supporter of Northamptonshire cricket and life member of the Old Northamptonians, he’s looking to combine his experience of working in competitive business environments and for the community to benefit Abington and Phippsville on West Northamptonshire Council.
Russell Ellis
Russell Ellis (Billing)
I was born and raised in Northampton and proud to be a nominated as a candidate in the ward where I live. Having previously worked in the public sector for over 20 years I’ve seen first-hand what a negative effect cuts to services can have and the impact this has on people. Nonetheless I’ve always achieved positive outcomes through my commitment and dedication regardless of the obstacles. I want to express these values as a West Northamptonshire Councillor.
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Mike Fuller (Blackthorn & Rectory Farm)
Hazel Hewison
Hazel Hewison (Brackley)
Hazel has lived in South Northamptonshire since 1985 and is a parish councillor for Greatworth and Halse. She has had a long career in the library /information profession working initially in public libraries, and latterly in special libraries. As a librarian she knows the contribution access to a library can make to a local community and has experienced the value other countries have placed on such access. In her leisure time she enjoys music-making and plays the organ for services at several local churches.
Kate Nash
Kate Nash (Brackley)
Kate lives in Brackley with her family. A small business owner, she is particularly aware of the need to support the economy, business and jobs. She has a strong interest in nature, the environment and planning, believing that environments directly influence people's mental, social and economic health. Kate has been a town councillor in Brackley for five years and in that time has chaired the council's finance and planning committees as well as the biodiversity subcommittee. She is also a trustee of local Brackley charity Feoffee that helps local people in need and provides educational grants. She successfully campaigned to save Brackley Library from closure and for the reinstatement of local bus services and continues to do everything she can to safeguard the Southfield School site for community use.
Cllr Rosie Humphreys (Braunston & Crick)
Andrew Simpson
Andrew Simpson (Braunston & Crick)
Jonathan Harris
Cllr Jonathan Harris (Brixworth)
Jonathan has served as a councillor for the past 6 years, firstly as a Daventry District Councillor, then, since 2021, as a West Northants Unitary Councillor. During this time he has worked on various community initiatives and campaigns. He was instrumental in setting up a COVID Volunteer network during the pandemic to support the community through unprecedented times. He went on to introduce a community larder into the village with the support of his fellow larder coordinators and an exceptional team of volunteers. He’s a seasoned campaigner for rural transport and this has included successfully ensuring continued support from West Northants Council for local rural bus routes. He brings a wealth of experience from a successful career in Leadership Development where he has worked both nationally and internationally. Jonathan is a passionate advocate for nature and the environment. He is currently Deputy Group Leader for the Lib Dems at West Northants Council.
Nigel Strang
Nigel Strang (Campion)
Nigel became a Liberal Democrat soon after returning from living and working outside the U.K and settling locally with his wife and two children in 1992. Since then he has been involved in his community as a Licensed Lay Minister, School Governor, Trustee of The South American Mission Soc., and Councillor at South Northamptonshire Council. Originally from a local farming family, Nigel continues to be passionate about the rural economy and Natural Environment, wanting to see greater care taken when it comes to balancing development with the needs of the rural environment.
Grant Simpson
Grant Simpson (Campion)
I’m Grant Simpson, a local business owner running my own travel company, and I’m proud to be standing as a Liberal Democrat candidate in the upcoming local elections. I believe in a fairer, more inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. The Liberal Democrats stand for strong local communities, protecting our environment, and investing in services that truly matter—whether that’s better public transport, improved local infrastructure, or supporting small businesses like mine. As someone who works closely with people every day, I understand the importance of listening and finding real solutions. I want to be a voice for our community, ensuring that local government works for everyone, not just a select few. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what matters most to you. Together, we can build a better future for our area.
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Julia Borowska (Castle)
Kerry Coupe
Kerry Coupe (Cogenhoe & The Houghtons)
Kerry joined the Liberal Democrats after the election in 2021. She wanted to stand by a party who treats people with equality, who wants to look after our countryside and wildlife, and will stand up for they think is right. Kerry currently works in the environment sector so has seen first-hand what the previous government has done. She is increasingly worried about what the current government have planned for our British wildlife and habitats.
Mike Beardsworth
Michael Beardsworth (Dallington Spencer)
Mike has been a member of the Lib Dems for over 40 years. He keeps a keen interest of local current affairs with his wife Sally Beardsworth who has been a local councillor for over 35 years. Mike supported Sally as her consort when she served as Mayor of Northampton in 2005/2006.
John Tippett
John Tippett (Daventry North East)
John is a passionate and committed Liberal Democrat who seeks to help the local community with specific regard to matters of Health and Education. Having retired from his own business in 2022 John volunteered to get involved with University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire and is across multiple projects providing the patient perspective. He has a spinal disability and is aware of the need to enhance the disability agenda throughout the area. John and his family moved to Daventry in 1997 from Gloucestershire, to take up a directorship of a multi-million pound turnover, litho and digital printer, in Rugby and has worked with a number of FTSE 100 businesses at a senior level. He has spent 20 years as a School Governor within Daventry and also has been a Town Councillor. He is active as an Industry partner with the Secondary Schools in Daventry. He has a passion for Daventry and for influencing council decisions. His aims include holding West Northants Council to account to realise Daventry is an important area of growth that needs essential investment.
Alan Knape
Alan Knape (Daventry North West)
Alan has lived in Northamptonshire for the majority of his life, moving to Daventry in 2010. He now lives in the town with his family where his children go to local schools and are members of clubs in the town. Alan works as an accountant for a company manufacturing construction products based in Daventry. Alan wants to make the town he lives and works in better of all the residents of Daventry. His priorities are retaining and improving green spaces in the town, especially Eastern Way Playing Fields. They may be safe for now but they need to be protected so they can’t be built on in future. Alan wants to improve the roads by improving preventative maintenance and improving the quality of resurfacing rather than just doing quick patch up jobs. He also aims to improve funding for Daventry, West Northants Council seems to always find funding for projects in Northampton but the money just isn’t there for Daventry. Alan has a record of delivering for Daventry, serving as a town councillor since 2017, getting involved with local campaigns including protecting green spaces and improving road safety as well as reporting issues around Daventry and following them up until they are fixed.
John Butlin
John Butlin (Daventry South)
Julia Clark
Julia Clark (Daventry South)
Ed Norris (Daventry South)
Ed is a hard working determined Young Liberal who cares deeply about his community and wants to fight to improve it. Getting into politics while young means he has a fresh outlook and a determination to achieve positive change and bring a new perspective and approach to challenges. As a full-time student, he has taught himself the value of hard work. Ed is articulate, intelligent, a good listener and exceedingly driven, not only to improve himself but help others around him. Ed’s not afraid of challenges or hard work and is willing to put the hours in as a councillor to do everything he can for the people of his community.
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Michael Leggett (Deanshanger & Paulerspury)
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Rosemary Tolley (Duston)
David Garlick
David Garlick (Far Cotton, Delepre and Briar Hill)
David was born and bred in Northampton with formative years in Friars Avenue. He was educated in Far Cotton and would be honoured to work for this area. He has experience as a county councillor and borough councillor. David wants to ensure council taxes are used effectively to improve Northampton Town. He sees Clean Air for Northampton as an immediate priority and education for all our young people of vital importance.
Mark Allen
Mark Allen (Hackleton & Roade)
Mark joined the Liberal Democrats in 2016. He has been a parish councillor since 2017, and served as a Liberal Democrat district councillor from 2019 to 2021. He is a committed campaigner for local services and community politics. Mark is a staunch supporter of life-long learning, with proper support for education at all levels, and protection of local library services. He has three generations of family living in West Northamptonshire, and so he has first-hand experience of the need for changes in the way that child and adult social care is delivered in Northamptonshire.
David Woodbridge
David Woodbridge (Headlands)
Brian Markham
Brian Markham (Headlands)
Brian lives in Headlands and previously represented this area on the old Borough Council for more than 20 years. Brian served as Mayor of Northampton in 2008/2009. He thinks that West Northants Council could do much more for Northampton and is concerned that councillors’ voices from the town are seldom heard. Brian has always put residents and our local facilities at the top of his priorities
Carl Squires
Cllr Carl Squires (Hunsbury)
Carl is a long-time resident of Hunsbury, having lived in the area for over 35 years and has seen it grow to what it is today. He is now retired having worked for a major European finance company for nearly 25 years, married with four Grandchildren. Since being elected to East Hunsbury & Shelfleys Ward last year, Carl has worked tirelessly in the area representing the residents and standing up for Hunsbury on West Northants Council, campaigning on a number of topics including buses and air quality. Carl is also the chair of governors for Abbeyfield School and currently a member of the West Hunsbury Parish Council.
Lucy Newbury
Lucy Newbury (Hunsbury)
At 26 years old, having done foreign aid work and worked with disadvantaged children, Lucy has had a keen interest in politics and current affairs for the past decade. Lucy is a resident of the local area and works for a local small business whilst studying a degree in International Relations in her spare time.
Brendan Glynane
Brendan Glynane (Hunsbury)
Martin Taylor
Martin Taylor (Kingsley & Semilong)
Martin has lived in St.George’s Avenue for 38 yrs. He has been a Liberal Democrat member throughout and supported his wife Marianne as her consort when she was the 13th Lady Mayor in 2010 - 2011. Martin says “My aim is to put Northampton back on the map as a Liberal Democrat councillor. I believe it has a bright future and I will work and strive for its realisation for the people of the town and for the wider community.” Martin is an artist and dedicates himself to depicting all aspects of this great county. He has shown in many galleries with many dedicated exhibitions in Northamptonshire, London and the USA. He is represented by a prestigious London gallery and his work is widely collected across the world.
Marianne Taylor
Marianne Taylor (Kingsley & Semilong)
Marianne has lived in Northampton in St. George’s Avenue for 38 yrs. Her children went to local schools and she was a councillor for the Liberal Democrats for 12 yrs from 1999 to 2011 becoming the 13th lady Mayor in 2010 - 11. During her time as a councillor she was chair of the Licensing Committee working with the police and Stronger and Safer communities. Throughout her professional life she worked for over 40 yrs in the NHS first as a general nurse, midwife, then as a Health Visitor to management level. After retirement she became a home carer. Her main area of work was in Public Health and Social Care with safeguarding children and adults as a priority. She says ‘I continue to love Northampton and it’s people. My time as Mayor was enlightening where I experienced so many organisations which highlighted the good work done in this town. I will continue to fight for a better town and its community to ensure a bright future for all those who live and work here.”
Chris Leggett (Kingsthorpe North)
Chris was born in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, eldest of two sons. He has lived in Northamptonshire since 1999 and currently lives in Nether Heyford. Chris is married with one son. Chris worked as an accountant for 11 years, before moving on to a career in Information Technology in 1997. He gained extensive experience in leadership, strategy development and project management in range of sectors including Logistics, Technology and Food Service. Chris decided to join the Liberal Democrats after the Brexit referendum. He wants to help reverse the damage caused by Brexit and help bring back honesty, trust and fact-based policies without prejudice and vested interest.
Tom Lawler (Kingsthorpe North)
Tom was born in Northampton and has lived in Northamptonshire all of his life. He says “I have a strong connection to the area and want to see the people of West Northants get a better deal than they have now”. Tom worked locally and in London within financial services, and joined the Liberal Democrats in 2016, he wants to see the best use of precious council resources and council tax-payers money in a way which provides a positive long-lasting benefit to all local communities.
Cllr Sally Beardsworth (Kingsthorpe North)
Tony Woods
Tony Woods (Kingsthorpe South)
Tony is an experienced councillor who represented the St David’s area of Kingsthorpe on Northampton Borough Council for 8 years. During that time he led the council from being judged the worst in the country to being released from close government monitoring to being judged the most improved council. Tony is a qualified electrical engineer. Currently, he is a director of a major Credit Union and a Trustee a large pension scheme. He is also a governor of Kingsthorpe Grove Primary School.
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Geri Banfield (Kingsthorpe South)
I’ve lived in Northampton all my life. I am a single working mum and I’m passionate about my surroundings. I’ve worked hard to provide for myself and my son on a minimum wage so I know how hard it is to juggle food bills and heating costs. Support for childcare is not always available or easily accessed and I want to change that. I want to be a voice for people who need support. I’ve worked in the care sector and I know about the challenges and high costs of care. Fixing our broken care system is key to fixing so many more things too.
Nick Watts
Nicholas Watts (Long Buckby)
Nick has been a Liberal Democarat activist having joined the party around ten years ago. He has been an active campaigner in Long Bucky since moving to the village with his family three years ago. Nick is passionate about local issues and continuing to make Long Buckby a thriving community. That means high quality facilities for children and accessibility to the beautiful countryside around the area. Roads into and out of the village have and continue to be a big issue that needs addressing urgently, as does the lack of any disabled facilities or proper waiting area at Long Buckby train station - there's not even a coffee seller there at the moment!
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas (Long Buckby)
Mark has lived and worked in Northamptonshire for the past 26 year. He works as a chartered surveyor. Married with two grown up children, Mark is interested in history, politics, current affairs and football.
Martin Johns
Martin Johns (Middleton Cheney)
Martin Johns has lived in South Northamptonshire for 43 years. He is active in the community, including being a trustee of several local voluntary organisations.
Justin Nash
Justin Nash (Middleton Cheney)
Justin has worked as a civil servant, teacher of history and in business. He has two school age children. He is a director of a small business and is very concerned about the economic and political obstacles facing businesses and households. Justin believes that well maintained and accessible local services should be a right, not an aspiration.
Rupert Knowles
Rupert Knowles (Moulton)
Rupert is an experienced and longstanding Liberal Democrat activist having joined the party as a Young Liberal in about 1960. He has lived in this area since 2015 and serves on Harlestone Parish Council where he has particular responsibility for trees. As a former fruit grower and a founder member of a countryside conservation group in Essex, Rupert is knowledgeable about the production and marketing of food as well as about the protection of our natural environment. Whilst teaching horticulture in China, he also advised and trained a large marketing group of farmers on how to supply apples for a leading UK supermarket chain. In Afghanistan, he and his wife spent five years helping local farmers in fruit, vegetables and forestry. Rupert is very concerned about the pressures facing West Northamptonshire farmers from cuts in government support, reduced margins in the market and inheritance tax. He is an active member of CA-WN (Climate Action West Northants) and is currently developing a plan to reduce the carbon footprint of his home whilst making it better adapted to changing weather patterns.
Will Hughes
Will Hughes (Moulton)
I grew up in the local area and after spending several years working abroad I returned around seven years ago to be closer to my wider family. I currently chair my Parish Council and also volunteer as a magistrate which has been truly rewarding. I am keen to continue to do what I can to help to improve our local community and as the Liberal Democrats are known to be the best party for local issues it seemed the obvious fit for me. I hope that I am given the opportunity to do my bit to ensure that the Unitary Council works to everyone’s advantage.
Anna Hughes
Anna Hughes (Moulton)
I am a single person in my seventies and I have lived in Northamptonshire since 1987 after moving from Leicestershire with a husband and three very young children. I worked in different Primary Schools in the county with the intention of creating a safe, happy, caring environment for the children in my care. I also joined many committees and the local parish council, always to play my part for my local community and to speak and act for those who were unable to represent themselves. I became an active member of the Liberal Democrats because I believe they have the right values and policies to find solutions to many of the challenges we are facing.
Christine Ware (Naseby)
Christine has lived in Northamptonshire for 28 years, she is currently a Brixworth Parish Councillor and chair of Brixworth Climate Action Group. Christine is an active community champion; she is one of the founding coordinators of the Brixworth Community Larder and through the climate action group, has been actively involved with the planting of a community orchard and new hedgerows. Nature and our rural communities are important to Christine. She lives with her husband and their three dogs.
Jill Hope
Jill Hope (Nene Valley)
Jill has lived in Northamptonshire since 1976. All of her 4 children and 5 grandsons were born in Northampton and she sees this lovely county as home. Her career was in corporate finance and she went on to develop a second career in not-for-profit organisations. She has used her skills to help immigrants set up small businesses and support pre-release prisoners. Jill joined the Lib Dems in 1998. She became a councillor in 1999, serving for 8 years on Northampton Borough Council and 4 years on Northamptonshire County Council. Jill ‘retired’ in 2021 but now volunteers at A+E at Northampton General Hospital and at the Cynthia Spencer Hospice Donation Centre.
Thomas Ridley
Thomas Ridley (Nene Valley)
Thomas Ridley is one of the Lib Dem candidates for Nene Valley. He has lived locally (within the ward) for 7 years and is focused on delivering improvements to the local environment, housing, as well as transport upgrades for West Northamptonshire.
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Aaryan Sharma (Nene Valley)
Paul Schofield
Paul Schofield (Parklands)
For all my adult life I have lived and worked in Northamptonshire. My profession was an R&D electronic design engineer which was a great match for my problem solving nature. For the last 10 years Governments of both flavours have starved local Councils of money to do their job properly - we need less humdrum politics as usual but a change and some new blood to provide innovative ideas for the future.
Tony Nixon
Tony Nixon (Rural North East)
Following a career working for local government dealing with property and regeneration, Tony has taken early retirement and is now a very active Parish Councillor. He currently is Parish Vice Chair as well as Chair of the Finance Committee. Tony is a keen Bridge player and along with his wife, an avid Rugby fan and cat owner. He has lived in Northamptonshire for the past 33 years.
Justine Leggett
Justine Leggett (Rural South)
Justine has lived in Northamptonshire since 1999. During this time, she has raised her family whilst engaging heavily in the education system as Chair of Governors for a local primary school and prior to that involved in the creating and running of pre-school activities. Alongside this Justine owns and runs a small business providing financial transformation services to other businesses. Justine is passionate about cats and has 6 rescue cats. She woke up to politics after the disastrous Brexit vote and the subsequent arrival to power of Mr Trump. On joining the LibDems she is hoping she can make a difference in the local area regarding healthcare, education and prevention of cruelty to animals.
Martin Sawyer (Talavera)
Martin is an experienced Liberal Democrat and environmental activist. Before joining the party Martin was actively involved in saving our Leisure Centres when previous councils were threatening to shut them. He is committed to ensuring that Lings Forum Leisure Centre is protected from closure and will actively campaign for its redevelopment. Martin was at the forefront of the campaign to save our Libraries when previous councils were trying to shut them too. He was a key member of the team that saved Abington Library and he will work to ensure that Weston Favell Library is protected from any future threats of closure.
Stewart Tolley
Dr Stewart Tolley (Towcester)
Stewart has lived in South Northamptonshire since 2014 and currently serves on Old Stratford Parish Council. He holds a PhD in political history and currently works in recruitment, visiting schools and colleges to encourage students to go to university. He also continues to do some teaching for Oxford University, working with people who are often coming back into education later in life at the Department of Continuing Education. Stewart says ‘I am passionate about education and skills for everyone no matter their age’.
David Tarbun
David Tarbun (Towcester)
David has been a Town Councillor for 12 years and has served as the Mayor of Towcester twice. David has brought up his family in the town and both his children are at Towcester schools. David is a trustee of the Midsummer Music Festival charity and volunteers at a local music school for children. David has seen the increased threat of village and rural communities with over-development and believes councils should do more to stand up for them when such growth occurs. He believes that the correct provision for schools, doctors, dentists, traffic and retail need to be promised and delivered by developers and not ignored or changed later on into more housing developments.
Harry Minns (Towcester)
Harry believes our council needs to take residents’ concerns seriously, and he is committed to making a real difference. Hardworking and dedicated, he is ready to channel his energy into representing our community and ensuring we get the action we deserve.
Rona Meredith (Upton)
I live in Northampton and, before I retired I worked as a nurse in Northampton General Hospital. I’ve supported my councillor husband, Dennis Meredith, for 18 years and was his consort when he Mayor of Northampton in 2022. I am passionate about the health service if elected I will be a champion for people with disabilities. I’m also a strong advocate for supplying social housing for people on the waiting list in Northampton. Whenever and wherever I can, I help the homeless people that live on the streets in the town centre of Northampton.
Alastair Thomson
Alastair Thomson (Weston Favell & Abington Vale)
Alastair has lived in the Weston Favell area for more than 25 years. He is committed to a local council that is less secretive, defensive and unimaginative. He wants to make West Northamptonshire well-run, sustainable and prosperous. Before retiring, Alastair advised on education policy for a national charity. Now he undertakes consultancy and research in labour market and skills issues. He is currently a governor of one primary and one secondary school in Northampton and a local further education college. Beyond politics his interests include his allotment and watching live theatre.
Bob Symons (Woodford & Weedon)
Bob was born in Swansea but spent his early years in Uganda and in school in Kenya and then in Gloucester. He qualified as a Solicitor in 1970 and joined Shrewsbury Council and later moved to Telford. In 1983 he became Chief Executive Officer of Daventry Council until 1999 when he joined the United Nations and was posted to Kosovo where he served as a Civil Affairs Officer for six and a half years. Bob was a keen member of the Royal Naval Reserves and became a Commander in 1990. On retirement from the RNR he served on several veteran's associations and in January 2021 became a Trustee of the Maritime Volunteer Service and National Secretary in 2024. Bob hopes that his many years experience in law and local government would be an advantage as a Councillor. He would endeavour to ensure the Council provided an efficient and effective service to the Council Tax payers.
Chris Lofts
Chris Lofts (Woodford & Weedon)
Chris has a long history of public service having worked in local government for over 30 years. Since retirement he has been an elected councillor at South Northamptonshire and Northamptonshire County Council until it was disbanded. He has lived in Badby for the last five years. Chris has worked for Age Concern and Citizens Advice in the county and currently volunteers with several local charities. He is a trustee on a multi academy trust in the south of the county that manages four primary schools and volunteers with the trust managing schools in Badby, Weedon, Woodford, Kilsby and Paulerspury.

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